BACKING TRACKS. Professional Acompaniment Tracks

Schubert: Ave Maria - original backing track by Origen

We invite professionals and amateurs to sing and play along with Origen. We are ready to share with you original instrumental backing track of Schubrt’s "Ave Maria" performed and produced by Origen; the song, which appeared more then 20.000 times on the iTune’s charts all over the world and was #1 in France, Italy, Belgium and German.

If you want to use our backing track for not commercial purpose all you need to do is credit Origen as creator of instrumental backing track.
If you want to use our backing track for commercial use (for example: to sell your version of the song on iTunes) we can give you signed Standard Synchronization License that will cover you for commercial use of our backing track. And what is most exiting you do not need to pay hundreds of dollars to hire studio musicians.

Check out "Ave Maria" backing track and try to sing along with Origen right now online.
Click here to start

Make your first hit or simply amaze your friends!

Download "Ave Maria" backing track

Listen to "Ave Maria" by Origen

P.S. If you don't know how to mix and master your song just send us your vocal or instrumental recording and our engineers will mix and master the song.
Click here for details

Contact us if you have any questions regarding commercial use of "Ave Maria" backing track

Backing Tracks For Singers

Vocal accompaniment tracks
for female voice

Here you'll find professional vocal backing tracks of the best female singers such as Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera, Kelly Clarkson and more.
Click here to start

Vocal accompaniment tracks
for male voice

Improve your singing skills with backing tracks of the best male singers such as Elvis Presley, Enrique Iglesias, Robbie Williams and more.
Click here to start

Backing Tracks For Guitar

Play Guitar with Dire Straits
Improve your guitar playing. Rock/Jazz/ Classic /Funk Blues Styles Jamming tracks. Learn jamming and improvisation.
Click here to start

Featured Backing Tracks

The Beatles
Celine Dion

(professional accompaniment tracks)

Everybody  somewhere deep inside the soul would like to become a pop star like Madonna, Britney Spears, Elton John or The Beatles. But something stops you from  the implementation of your dream. In most cases it is uncertainty. Belive me or not but many of you are no worse than many popular performers and today you can make a decisive step and reveal your talent to the world. Start with a simple- make a cover of your favorite song that you often humming. Make sure you can sound as good as your favorite artists.

Five Easy Steps To Make Your First Hit and Sell It Online

STEP 1. Download backing track or karaoke song
NOTE. Backing tracks (accompaniment tracks) are audio pieces recorded to assist artists in giving a more skillful performance.
Karaoke song is backing track with animated lyrics. Usually it is Karaoke CDG (audio+ graphics)
Here you can download professional studio backing tracks in mp3/stereo and karaoke songs of the most popular Artists and songs of the past 60 years. They are ultimate accompaniment tracks, reproduced to sound just "Like" the original song with Backing Vocals (if in original song).

STEP 2. Record your vocal performance. The recording must be mono and dry, i.e without any reverberation, compression, equalization. You do not need to go to an expensive recording studio. Try to use the microphone for karaoke or your mobile phone.
TIPS: How to make you home recordings

Vocal Tuning.

If you sing like Caruso or Pavarotti you may omit this step. But if your singing abilities somewhere near to Shakira,   Lady Gaga or Paul McCartney we strongly recommend you to fulfill this step
Click here for details

STEP 4. Mixing and mastering
Once you have backing track and vocal track you can easily mix these tracks together. Don’t forget to add reverberation, compression, EQ, and some effects to your vocal track and mix. Click here if you don’t know how to do that. We will make that for you.

STEP 5. Upload and sell your music on Amazon,  iTunes,  Rhapsody and other digital retailers and collect your royalties
Click here for details how to do that

You won't find this song anywhere on the Internet.
Click Here to Start Download

Karaoke CDG / DVD
1000++ Karaoke songs with professional accompaniment tracks. All categories are here. Chart Best Sellers, Oldies, Pop, Rock, Duets.
Experience the most unforgettable Karaoke Nights, belting out your favorite songs with your friens.
Start right now

All singers know that usually vocal studio recording has pitch issues. However, vocal pitch correction will help fix flat or sharp notes and clean up your vocals.
Click here if you feel you have some problems with your vocal tracks