Ave Maria Lyrics in English, Latin, German, Slavic
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Here you can listen different versions of Ave Maria in English, Latin, Slavic, Greek, Georgian and original German Schubert's Ave Maria song , which was in fact the translation of Walter Scott's poem
The Lady of the Lake made by Adam Storck.
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Ave Maria Lyrics in Latin
Ave Maria Lyrics in English
Ave Maria Lyrics in German
Ave Maria Lyrics in Slavic (Russian)
Celine Dion: Ave Maria Song Lyrics
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Ave Maria (Salutatio Angelica) is traditional Catholic and Orthodox church prayer calling for the intercession of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Rooted mainly in Biblical texts, the Ave Maria developed in the Middle Ages; in this context, Mary is known as the Blessed Virgin. The prayer is also used by other denominations in the Catholic tradition, notably Anglo-Catholic members of the Anglican Communion. In the Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, it is known as the "Angelic Salutation" as well as being called the Hail Mary.